Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Early on this year, I had to get a new cell phone due to I guess you could say an accident or stupidity of my own by putting a bottled mocha frappuccino in my purse not fully closed & it got all over my phone.  Resulting in my cell phone dying & me upgrading to a iPhone (which I have to say - I love!).  So, I started taking pictures of my children & downloading apps to edit them.  The purpose of it originally was to print out some artwork/photos for my family & myself.  It got addicting for a while & then I moved on to other projects which I will be honest I tend to do more often then not.  I'd like to to more but, not sure what or even how.  In my mind I'd like to sell some of my photo artwork but, not sure what people would think or if I should even put those ones of my children out in the world.  I will say that I am a proud parent & a bit biased on how cute my children are & think the world should know that but, what should or shouldn't do.  Thus me posting my thoughts and pictures.  Here are just a few that I have done:

This picture was taken by my husband's cousin & I just added the effects & wording.

Finally .... I am starting this blog.

My name is Kristina & I am a stay at home mom who works part-time at night.  Anyway, earlier this summer I wanted to start a blog to share with others some of the things that I do at home while I am with my children & during my spare time.  Here are a few things I like to do:  I like to cook, craft & find others things to do to add to the long list of "to do or want to do" list.  I will be honest I am not sure how often I will update this but, I will add things from time to time that I do/make or just random things.